Ghosted II

DC 917LP DC 917LP

"Oren Ambarchi has been collaborating with the Fire! trio (Mats Gustafsson, Johan Berthling, and Andreas Werliin) for over a decade -- and both Johan and Andreas played on Oren's Live Hubris as well. Oren and Johan began music-making together back in the early aughts -- but it wasn't until 2021 that the three of them got together to record music. That became the first Ghosted album. When they were done, it was clear they had founded a new group. A music of sustained tension and deep atmosphere marked by subtle, shifting dynamics, Ghosted was released in May of 2022 to psyched response everywhere; the trio embarked upon an ongoing series of concert bookings around Europe, with loads of other people in the world still hoping to have the chance to be in the room at the next show. Two years on, Ghosted has gone through several represses; now, it's time for the 'dreaded follow up album.' What made the most sense was to go back to Daneil Bengtsson at Studio Rymden in Stockholm for a couple days, then have Oren and Joe Talia mix and Joe master it at Good Mixture in Melbourne again, then get Pål Dybwik to do some well-distinctive cover art, and once more, call it a record. Ghosted II has a definitively fresh quality radiating throughout it. The mutual feeling among the three players goes deep, allowing for lots more to say every time they get together -- a further recombination of elements, a new expedition through alternative angles. There's always more, and incredibly, it's all improvised, with next-to-nothing prepared going in and minimal overdubs after they've laid things down. As noted, these guys balance their music improbably between a relaxed feel and a nervy resolve, as each member holds down their corner in an open sound field. Making Ghosted II, the band found that there's a different kind of tension making something for an established project rather than the kind one feels making something for the first time -- and they used this new variety, as before, as a kind of fuel --driving their terse minimalism fruitfully through the process of succumbing to and then transcending guilty pleasures. Finding fresh territory in funk sketches, jazzy heads, ambient pastorals and droning soundtrack pieces, Ambarchi, Berthling and Werliin compellingly haunt a mad variety of spaces."