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Songs of Eliphas Levi Zahed


"C & PM -- two adepts of improvisation again alight their paths with esoteric flame. The emotional tenor of their masterful double LP release Four Infernal Rivers (MIE 027LP) is maintained: frightful urgency blends with a kind of poised resolve, the auditory version of a thousand-yard stare from an aloof predator. The guitar based sonics in evidence here on Songs of Éliphas Lévi Zahed congeal into a monolithic viscous clarity. 'The Will' is marked by vibrant strings slowly coaxed into vocalese. A few minutes in, a trap door delay takes the listener instantly to the tripping basement, forced to navigate a respirant rug in near total darkness. Tunnel vision tiny dot of light then dilated to max. Blinding flashes of a green horizon. Fuzz plumes are heard staggering into the distance, slowly passing over the hill of setting sun. 'Astral Light' piles on the pastoral waves as it glides along the edges of a shimmering ray. These tracks have been dedicated to the legendary ceremonial magician, Éliphas Lévi, the one who illustrated the Goat of Mendes for all to see plainly. This man of constant sorrow cut his teeth in socialist circles in Paris but later focused on more obscure routes of societal impact. In one of his books, he arranged 22 chapters to match the major arcana of the tarot. Lévi brought cartomancy into the realm of Kabbalah and the larger magical tradition. In his system, the will becomes interlaced with astral light - allowing for influence from far remote locales. Another version of what was known in neo-platonic circles as the pneuma, the field of transmission for extenuated mind force. Near the end of his life, Lévi hid away a catalog of ethereal songs written in the major and minor keys of Solomon. 'The Imagination' is where magic stakes its claim. Within the mind's eye, where images can hold fast and bind the viewer. Splatter tones draw out a tumbling duel, infernal internals. Molten pickup sound but enhanced, like drinking direct from the tap of voltage control. Faith based magic -- even faith based on lies, can be efficacious." --Dave Shuford