"The Xi Agents constitute a strange couple of prophets who have come to deliver their interpretation of the creation of the world in musical format. Through an ever-changing hip-hop song, tribal electronic rhythms and atmospheric ambiences, Bluz (voice, writing) and Jemsee (composition) demonstrate that the Universe is just a large brain, in which we are just thoughts. This weird and unfathomable recording offers up a relatively sombre and bitter view of humanity, describing human sentiments and consciousness with quasi-scientific rigour. Le Monstre Jaune (The Yellow Monster) is also an ode to imagination, fuelled by a rich content of metaphors and mystical sonorities. It is also a lucid and unreal attempt to destroy the gangrene, which is destroying hip-hop as a medium. The formula used by the Agents Xi is an alchemy of logical construction and psychological chaos, leaving the listeners free to choose their own methods of interpretation."