2006 release. Featured works: "Ottuplo!" (1998-2000); "Adagio: Convolutions on a Theme by Mozart" for clarinet and computer (2004-05); "RomaDue," electronic music on tape (1965, rev. 1997); "Tableaux: Convolutions on a Theme" for alto saxophone & octophonic computer (2003-04); "Art is a self-alteraton is Cage is..." for solo contrabass and fifteen recorded contrabasses on tape (1982-83, rev. 1993); "Threnos" for bass clarinet, real and virtual, in memory of the victims of September 11, 2001 (2001-02); "Les Flutes de Pan: Hommage à Debussy" for flute and octophonic computer music (2005-06). Performed by The Smith Quartet; F. Gerard Errante, clarinet; Stephen Duke, alto saxophone; Robert Black, contrabass; Michael Lowenstern, bass clarinet; Jacquiline Martelle, flute (piccolo). "Larry Austin (b. 1930, Oklahoma), composer, was educated in Texas and California, studying with Canadian composer Violet Archer (University of North Texas), French composer Darius Milhaud (Mills College), and American composer Andrew Imbrie (University of California-Berkeley). He also enjoyed extended associations in California in the 'sixties with composers John Cage, Karlheinz Stockhausen, and David Tudor."