Originally released in 2018. "The Book of AM is a collection of inspirational songs, poems and stories composed in different parts of the world through the millennia up to the present day and edited and set to music and graphics by Juan Arkotxa and Leslie MacKenzie. The Book expresses core themes from Eastern and Western philosophical and religious traditions and it follows the cycle of day with five parts - Dawn, Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Night. When the Book was first published in 1977 the incomplete Part V, Night, was not incorporated into the four part publication (Part I published in Paris 1978, and Parts I, 2, 3, and 4 were published by Wah-Wah Records in 2004 and 2010). At last the final part Night has been completed and is presented here as the conclusion of this long project. We have used recordings from that time, 1977, and combined with musical and technical collaboration, mainly from og, (introduced to us by the member of the Book of AM team Will Z and also part of the Belgium group Cosmic Trip Machine) who joined us for this project and has brought his own form of genius to the mix, adding, along with Will Z, extra overdubs to our original recordings, as well as making an invaluable contribution to the composition, mixing and mastering by which we have achieved a sound different from the previous AM albums, more ethereal and informal but at the same time surprising and powerful which steps out of the standard songs format and creates a befitting space for the nocturnal and final mood of this project."