In 2005, an 18-year-old Raphael Gimenes left the sunny shores of Brazil behind, embarking on a journey to a distant and wintry land. "Dinamarca," the Portuguese name for Denmark, became his new home, where he has lived for almost two decades. Today, he presents his third album, a deep exploration of his life in Scandinavia. Rather than being a nationalistic tribute, Dinamarca tells chapters from Gimenes' life story as a Brazilian living in the northern corners of the world. The melodies of blackbirds, the dances of red deer, and the whispers of ancient oaks form the backdrop for his musical stories. Gimenes skillfully turns the power of love into harmonies, dedicating songs to both his companion and his closest friends. The album's orchestration includes Gimenes' vocals and the resonant chords of his classical guitar. Accompanying him throughout the album are Jan Kadereit's multilayered percussion, and Lucas Delacroix's bass synth, who also plays the electric guitar at times. The music further unfolds with the nuances of a string quartet, and a brass quintet, both recorded in the tropical highlands of Minas Gerais. Other guest musicians feature on individual songs, such as pianist Sebastian Macchi, flautist Flavia Huarachi, cellist Lucas Almeida, and singers Gaby Echevarria, Cecilia Pahl, and Cris Ferro. Gimenes has garnered acclaim and accolades across continents. The music within Dinamarca delves deep into the soul of a man who embraced a new land with open arms, while staying true to his roots. It unites elements from Gimenes' prior works, embarking on a journey across new musical horizons. The result is music that transcends borders, weaving itself into an intricately beautiful tapestry -- a soul that has learned to harmonize with two worlds.
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LP version. In 2005, an 18-year-old Raphael Gimenes left the sunny shores of Brazil behind, embarking on a journey to a distant and wintry land. "Dinamarca," the Portuguese name for Denmark, became his new home, where he has lived for almost two decades. Today, he presents his third album, a deep exploration of his life in Scandinavia. Rather than being a nationalistic tribute, Dinamarca tells chapters from Gimenes' life story as a Brazilian living in the northern corners of the world. The melodies of blackbirds, the dances of red deer, and the whispers of ancient oaks form the backdrop for his musical stories. Gimenes skillfully turns the power of love into harmonies, dedicating songs to both his companion and his closest friends. The album's orchestration includes Gimenes' vocals and the resonant chords of his classical guitar. Accompanying him throughout the album are Jan Kadereit's multilayered percussion, and Lucas Delacroix's bass synth, who also plays the electric guitar at times. The music further unfolds with the nuances of a string quartet, and a brass quintet, both recorded in the tropical highlands of Minas Gerais. Other guest musicians feature on individual songs, such as pianist Sebastian Macchi, flautist Flavia Huarachi, cellist Lucas Almeida, and singers Gaby Echevarria, Cecilia Pahl, and Cris Ferro. Gimenes has garnered acclaim and accolades across continents. The music within Dinamarca delves deep into the soul of a man who embraced a new land with open arms, while staying true to his roots. It unites elements from Gimenes' prior works, embarking on a journey across new musical horizons. The result is music that transcends borders, weaving itself into an intricately beautiful tapestry -- a soul that has learned to harmonize with two worlds.