The complementary duality that is Ichinen is the raw expression of Roberto Bosco and Kiny. 2017 sees them return with the proven form of their alliance, kicking things off with the Dual Craters album. Produced through live sessions in their native Salerno, this album embodies the symbiosis of their individualities. Traversing the universe much like lone comets, the two land on a single planet with a resounding crash, leaving deep craters on two opposite ends of this floating sphere. But despite their being unique, they are also perfectly matched in shape and form. It is this mirror dynamic that makes Ichinen's output so immersive. Roberto and Kiny each bring their own take to music yet create a singular, relatable narrative through their collaboration. Tracks like "First Impact" and "Strangely Comforting" - with their sidereal atmosphere and sparse drum arrangements - paint a picture of the interplanetary journey that brings Ichinen into being. "Lander" and "Small Martian" offer a peek into the planet onto which the lone comets crashed - a space filled with expansive, empty land and unfamiliar inhabitants. The second half of the album moves into a realm of revelations about where we are. "Be Silent And Safe" features indiscernible voices in conversation, piquing curiosity while leaving little to be concluded. "Not So Plain In This Terrain" showcases the surroundings further, with unknown creatures squeaking all around. "Dual Craters" takes us to a vantage point, from which you can look out across the planet's surface and clearly see all its wondrous beings, out and unafraid, emerging from each crater in equal abundance. Some howl excitedly, others meet and playfully bump into each other, but all seem to get along. It is in "Endlessness" that the truth behind Ichinen is revealed - a tale of two souls woven into one sound. The craters are matched in breadth and depth. It is in their respective textures that they differ. And therein lies the power of their connection.