NEOS 11506CD
The three works presented on this CD, all composed for the Mondrian Ensemble, bear titles that suggest two programmatic works (by Roland Moser and Michel Roth) contrasted with a more abstract composition (by Rudolf Kelterborn). To what extent this kind of expectation -- based on what one sees in a name -- may impact one's listening experience largely depends on the perspectives that one brings to the individual work, however. Listening is never a neutral act. There is a growing gap between the new music industry, with its compulsive devotion to world premieres, and the established classical scene that primarily embraces music from Bach to Stravinsky. It is this kind of gap-repertoire to which the Mondrian Ensemble has been committed since 2000. Numerous composers have written works for the Mondrian Ensemble, which it has endeavored to keep in its repertoire beyond their first performances. These include Dieter Ammann's Gehörte Form -- Hommages (performed around 40 times) and works by Wanja Aloe, Jürg Frey, Rudolf Kelterborn, Detlev Müller-Siemens, Roland Moser, Felix Profos, Michel Roth, Martin Jaggi (the ensemble's long-time cellist), and many others.