"Truly an all-star ensemble, all are leaders of their own projects. Myra Melford (piano, compositions) with Ingrid Laubrock (saxophone), Tomeka Reid (cello), Mary Halvorson (guitar), Lesley Mok (drums). Hailed by The New Yorker as 'a stalwart of the new-jazz movement' and by Disaster Amnesiac as 'one of the great post-Taylor players,' pianist and composer Myra Melford (Guggenheim Fellow, Alpert Award and Doris Duke Performing Artist Award recipient) is proud to present her newest release Hear the Light Singing. According to journalist and critic Natalie Wiener, Hear the Light Singing is 'a sequel of sorts to [Melford's] 2022 release, For The Love Of Fire And Water, featuring a nearly identical all-star cast and the same set of Cy Twombly drawings from which the first album drew its name as inspiration. This album is named specifically for Melford's interpretation of the sunlight on the Mediterranean in Gaeta, Italy, where Twombly made those drawings, and the synesthetic sensation it creates.' Joined by saxophonist Ingrid Laubrock, drummer Lesley Mok and MacArthur Fellows Tomeka Reid (cello) and Mary Halvorson (guitar), Melford bounces off the Fire & Water repertoire to create 'another set of extraordinary compositions,' or 'insertions,' writes Wiener, 'that Melford designed to entwine with the original suite, but still stand alone.'"