New recordings by Mouchoir Étanche (Marc Richter) aka Black To Comm. Edition of 300 copies. Le jazz homme is the second album of Black To Comm related entity Mouchoir Ètanche. This time heavily influenced by French jazz as well as the usual suspects: Nurse With Wound, Luc Ferrari, JG Ballard, Surrealism. The human entity has finally been replaced. "Program music, instrumental music that carries some extramusical meaning, some 'program' of literary idea, legend, scenic description, or personal drama. It is contrasted with so-called absolute, or abstract, music, in which artistic interest is supposedly confined to abstract constructions in sound. It has been stated that the concept of program music does not represent a genre in itself but rather is present in varying degrees in different works of music." (Encyclopedia Britannica). Prompt 1: Pascal Comelade's toy piano falling down the stairs , Hector Zazou pushing from behind, laughing. Prompt 2: Cool jazz played on antique mellotron, low in fidelity, and sad, Glenn Miller's grandma crying silently. Prompt 3: A hippie commune version of jazz as played by a cheap computer fed by Chat GPT with medieval cuisine fanfare information and samples, trained on the entire Amon Düül II history, heavily looped yet unsynchronized. Prompt: 4: Same, but flutes and synths and trance and chants. Prompt 5: French female artist philosophizes about Shirley Temple, mysterious atmosphere, insensitive homme laughing nervously, heavily looped, hypnotic 18th century morgue de salon underneath. Prompt 6: Cool jazz, Echoplex, strange rhythm, Blue Note daydreaming. Prompt 7: Hammond jazz with fake Cyro Baptista loop, Madagascar indri indri lemurs chanting fake sax solos in Malagasy language, electronic bells. Prompt 8: German jazz and artificial prayers, and Shirley Temple returning, with defect Publison recorded at GRM, destroying the voice recording. Prompt 9: Andrei Tarkovsky's moustache meets Johann Sebastian Bach's wig, a well gently lapping in the background, fifths, car crashing into a poor violent onsen geisha. Marc Richter records as Black To Comm and under the Mouchoir Ètanche and Jemh Circs monikers (and solo) for his own Cellule 75 imprint. He collaborated with visual artists such as Ho Tzu Nyen, Jan van Hasselt, and Mike Kelley. He also produces soundtracks and acousmatic multichannel installations for institutions such as INA GRM Paris, ZKM Karlsruhe and Kunstverein Hamburg.
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"I am sitting in a garden, I haven't left the property in weeks, someone is dropping off food once a week. I haven't seen a human being in ages, I feel like a reverse Schroedinger cat -- do I exist when nobody sees me? I must be somewhere in France but I don't remember. I have lost my consciousness again. When I wake up I hear a broken record looping somewhere in the mansion. A washed-out opera. Behind the trees I see the dilapidated hermaphrodite sculpture in a field of verdant nettles and fern. I hear gunshots far afield, aeroplanes in the sky, sirens on the main road. When unconscious I dreamt of sitting on the Concorde observing the scarab blue ocean and iridescent clouds from above, an erstwhile receding memory. Sometimes I hear the organ of the nearby Renaissance Cathedral merging with the Russian Church bells. I am hallucinating again. Someone's humming in the kitchen? Singing? A radio? I overhear two young women talking about art galleries in the neighbour's garden. Bees attack, again? Again and again. The hairspray finally intoxicates them. An amphoric Japanese voice is whispering in my head saying I will die soon. Someone (something?) bangs on the vases. The fountain's water turns dark red. Fleur calls and says mum died. The funeral will be televised on Tuesday. We opt for the synthetic choir for the service. The call is suddenly interrupted. Mold is slowly taking over the house. I go back inside."
Une Fille Pétrifiée is the debut album of new Black To Comm related entity Mouchoir Ètanche. Combining real and fake acoustic instrumentation, sampling, field recordings, and excessive yet inaudible post production this is another sublime and ethereal statement. Influences are ranging from (French) classical and opera to the anecdotical compositions of Luc Ferrari, Chinese opera, chanson, sacred music/church music, JG Ballard, and surrealism. Marc Richter records as Black To Comm for Thrill Jockey, Type, and Dekorder and as Jemh Circs for his own Cellule 75 imprint. He also produces soundtracks and acousmatic multichannel installations for institutions such as INA GRM Paris, ZKM Karlsruhe, and Kunstverein Hamburg. Mouchoir Étanche is a new project by Marc Richter, aka Black To Comm (Thrill Jockey, Type Rec). Includes download code; edition of 300.
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An end and a new beginning. Kommuniqué Zéro is the debut outing of new Black To Comm related entity Mouchoir Ètanche. And it is the final release in Dekorder's 10-Year Anniversary hybrid-vinyl series (a mere seven years too late). Combining real and fake acoustic instrumentation, sampling, field recordings, and excessive yet inaudible post production this is a powerful statement of intent. Influences are ranging from (French) classical and opera to the anecdotical compositions of Luc Ferrari, Chinese opera, sacred music, collage, and free improvisation. Marc Richter records as Black To Comm for Thrill Jockey, Type, and Dekorder and as Jemh Circs for his own Cellule 75 imprint. He also produced soundtracks and acousmatic multichannel installations for institutions such as INA GRM Paris, ZKM Karlsruhe, and Kunstverein Hamburg. The Dekorder 10-Year Anniversary hybrid-vinyl series so far included LPs by Pye Corner Audio, Excepter, Experimental Audio Research, Vindicatrix, Kemiallysät Ystävät, Ensemble Economique, Alien Radio, Black To Comm, and Le Révélateur. Music and artwork by Marc Richter. Richard Youngs: counting. Mastering by Rashad Becker Hybrid-vinyl: picture-disc on one side (no music), black vinyl on the other (music); edition of 165.