New York's Oneida and Liverpool's Mugstar exert overdriven oscillating forces on an interstellar trip of humming ohm amps and shifting clusters where time shuttles flicker back and forth between eons. Explore the second in the Rocket Recordings odyssean Collisions series and joyride this twin engine release. The proceedings lift off with Oneida's moiré patterned "Shahin's Bong." Mugstar set chase with their own odyssean endeavor, "European Nihilism," the Aurora Borealis viewed from within. With the hum and drone of layered synths drawing the listener in, these psychedelic warlords hit you hard with a super-colossal Hawkwind-esque rock-out like a centrifugal force that twists and turns, morphing on a continual humming of valves into the artifice of repetitive noise, until at saturation point, the asymptotic curve annihilates you in the quest for the perfect ion.