2022 restock. "J Spaceman and J Coxon play the music of The Red Krayola! Trems, feedback, metronomes and a music box... This recording was made during preparation for a joint performance by J Spaceman and J Coxon as part of: Art and Language: Letters to The Jackson Pollock Bar in the Style of The Red Krayola, Lisson Gallery New York, October 2019. The idea was to attempt to do a cover version of The Red Krayola's radical and unrepeatable performance at the Angry Arts Festival in 1967. Spaceman and Coxon listened, separately, to the recordings from the Venice Pavilion Concert and then got together to try to play a version of it without rehearsal. This is a recording of that that anti-rehearsal which they then attempted to repeat in NYC a week later at the Art and Language Lisson Gallery show. Cover by Art and Language from their work ten posters, 2018."