The New Twilight


The brand-new album from 400 Lonely Things. Tumble back into the nebulous and murky psychedelic haze of '70s-'80s VHS horror! Explore grimy palimpsests from the film studio to the grindhouse with 400 Lonely Things in The New Twilight: eleven creepy yet sublime analogue microdoses of vintage genre and exploitation audio sampled and filtered through the darkly ambient, melodically droning, melancholic nerd soul. CD pack includes a fascinating booklet of tantalizing visual clues! It's been said by many over the years that horror is the most flexible genre. So many ideas, themes, and styles flow through it. Craig Varian of 400 Lonely Things has spent a half-century on earth exploring almost all of it, and finds a particular sweet spot in the glut of films released in the VHS boom of the '80s. Varian developed a fascination for the worlds of sound revealed by audio sampling after first encountering an Ensoniq Mirage in the 1980s. While he found sampling music interesting and often surprising, it was the overlooked moments in the audio environments of horror films in particular that seemed to provide the most fertile wealth of inexplicably sublime material. More often than not, samples from these sources seemed eager to twist themselves into moments of smeary, effusive beauty and when looped and treated, often veered directly into mysterious assemblies of warm melancholia -- meditative poetics that were never implied in their lurid lo-fi grindhouse presentations. And, of course, sometimes they were just creepy. While a couple previous releases by 400 Lonely Things in this realm have focused on specific film-titles with similar results, their 17th album The New Twilight is the first 400 Lonely Things release to take a slight step back to widen that perspective a bit, to focus on the overall genre itself. With the exception of one single track, each song (and song title) is sourced from a single film. To further this theme, the chronologically ordered booklet included in the physical packaging uses the same techniques to extract a hazy and dreamlike visual reference from the murky celluloid sources.