
GR 940CD GR 940CD

Glitterhouse present the first collaboration album from David Eugene Edwards and Alexander Hacke entitled Risha. The two have had a connection since the early days of 16 Horsepower and collaborated on the reunion album American Twilight by Australian indie rock outfit Crime & The City Solution (2013). Finally, they found the time to record this astonishing piece of an album. Hacke on their relationship: "David and I have been admirers of each others work for some time. We first got to play together for The Glasshouse, a movie project initiated by my wife Danielle de Picciotto and during the brief resurrection of Crime & The City Solution all three of us were involved with. Shortly after I worked on Wovenhand's Laughing Stalk album as a mixing engineer (2012). We became close friends during these very diverse collaborations and started talking about creating music together, which would combine electronics with ethnical instruments and overdriven guitars with oriental rhythms and scales." Over the last two decades, Edwards's prolific work in both bands, 16 Hosepower and Wovenhand has influenced and inspired a generation of musicians. Alexander Hacke is primarily known as a longtime member of German industrial music group Einstürzende Neubauten and one of Germany's most influential experimental artists. For Risha, David Eugene Edwards recorded all vocals, guitars, and string instruments; Alexander Hacke played keyboards, bass, drums, and electronics. Together they created an astonishing and hypnotical soundscape and atmosphere on their first full-length album. Risha cannot be described in traditional terms. This sound is a sweeping tapestry of Americana, neo-folk, industrial, ambient, electronic, and Arabic music. Risha -- which means "Feather" in Arabic -- contains ten parts: Beginning with the mystic "Tryptyc" which is followed by the furious beat of "All In The Palm". Hacke and Edwards keep the pace with "The Tell" and its driving industrial rhythm and break it down completely with the fourth track, "Helios". "Kiowa 5" is shaped by fascinating drum patterns and the shamanic vocals of David Eugene Edwards. "Lily" is the song that is inspired most by early Wovenhand, followed by the dark and hypnotic "Parish Chief" with its almost Suicide-like vintage drumbeat, the drone excursion "Akhal", before the memorable "Teach Us To Pray" and the final and epic "Breathtaker". Each one a piece of the puzzle; made to be listened in its entirety.