Inner Earth


After a hectic summer, touring the festivals with artists such as Röyksopp/Robyn, Lars Vaular, Datarock and Bushman's Revenge, saxophonist and bandleader Kjetil Møster now releases album number two with Møster!, his favorite project. Inner Earth is an acerbic and inquisitive masterpiece that is in many ways a clear contrast to the band's critically-acclaimed first album. This time he is joined by the legendary Hans Magnus "Snah" Ryan, guitarist/vocalist in Motorpsycho; Nikolai Hængsle Eilertsen, bass player in Elephant9 and Big Bang; and the ubiquitous drummer Kenneth Kapstad, also from Motorpsycho and Grand General. The band was formed in connection with a commission for the Kongsberg Jazz Festival in 2010, and released their first album, Edvard Lygre Møster (HUBRO 2527CD/LP), in March 2013 to unanimously glowing reviews. The album was listed among the top five debut albums as well as among the top 10 albums in New York City Jazz Records in 2013, and also achieved an impressive sixth place among the year's albums in Prog Magazine. The debut album Edvard Lygre Møster was a powerful, ecstasy-inducing live album, and according to Kjetil Møster this was the sound of a band that "found itself" on stage in front of an audience. "It was a lucky break that we could record it properly," he says. With this follow-up the band are moving in another direction. Inner Earth was recorded with Jørgen Træen at Duper Studio in Bergen, a few stories away from Kjetil Møster's rehearsal room in the creative melting pot of Bergen Kjøtt. "As the title indicates, we've taken a major step over to the prog camp on the new album," says Kjetil, although the jazz influence is not particularly difficult to identify this time, either. Where the debut album was extremely spontaneous, direct and fierce, this follow-up is a more searching, prog-influenced, psychedelic and slow-moving voyage, like riding on lava flowing to the earth's core. Kjetil Møster (saxophone); Hans Magnus Ryan (electric guitar); Kenneth Kapstad (drums); Nikolai Hængsle Eilertsen (bass guitar).