Diamanten Und Raketen II


This is the second volume in the Diamanten Und Raketen (Diamonds And Rockets) compilation series from Klang Elektronik presenting classics, current hits and a preview of what the label holds store. This time around, the label's founders Ata, Heiko MSO, J.E. Wuttke and Roman Flügel picked what they liked best in techno, based on the label's ideology that techno is not just pure science, it is heart and soul music. No boring trance, no smash-hit techno, just freedom of expression through good-hearted dance beats. This attitude is what inspired the releases on Klang that are still a style-guide to this very day. Just think of the first records by, for example, a certain Jan Jelinek as Farben or a real hit like Alter Ego's "Rocker." Not to mention minimal or all the other releases that made their way into the record shops as vinyl releases on Klang Elektronik. Techno has since branched out even more and many people regard it as just one of many types of music. Nobody expects anything new from this genre anymore, but if anything, it should at least be pioneering. Diamanten Und Raketen II fulfills this just as little as 99.9% of all the other types of music do -- and it's not a chronologically compiled summary of the last ten catalog numbers, either. It's neither a DJ mix nor a TV-advertised hit compilation. There is no central theme, apart from the fact that there is none. This series is more of a reflection of someone's personal taste, four individuals' heart and soul who have created a neverending building site for themselves, meanwhile comprising close to 130 12" singles and 16 CDs, robbing their senses only to give them back the very same day and everyday after. Artists include: Anthony Shake Shakir, Phage & Daniel Dreier, Bored & Lazy, Alex Cortex, Dan Curtin, Raudive, SUM aka Carl Finlow and D'Julz, Siro, Eight Miles High, Misc., Carsten Jost, Dryer, The Sun God and Alter Ego.