Hauptsache Ich!: Retrospektive 1981-2014

BB 147CD BB 147CD

January 19th 2014 is Andreas Dorau's 50th birthday. For Bureau B, this is reason enough to release a comprehensive retrospective of the work of the "eternal boy." Hauptsache Ich contains 21 songs from nine albums and spans a period of 32 years, from his first album Blumen und Narzissen (BB 087CD/LP) to his latest work Aus der Bibliothèque. Not bad for someone who never really intended to be a musician. Each of Dorau's albums and even this compilation illustrate Dorau's exceptional position, both lyrically and musically. Every Dorau production is distinguished on the one hand by a hearty dislike of the minor key, countering the otherwise seemingly inevitable German pathos, and a great love of pop music, on the other hand. Training is training: his first hit, "Fred vom Jupiter," which he hates, was created in a school course called "How to Write a Pop Song." Dorau was just 16 at the time. But rather than abandoning a recipe for success, Dorau pursued a different strategy: like a sponge, he soaked up musical and non-musical influences -- whether in the discotheques of Schwabing (Dorau studied film in Munich. Studying music was not for him. Why be an idiot!) or at flea markets in Hamburg, no musical direction is too popular or too obscure for Dorau to deny it a chance to play an important or, now and then, merely modest role as a footnote in his work. While enjoying this compilation, the willing listener will detect traces of house as well as references to Phil Spector, here a pinch of baroque pop, there a hint of techno. Yet it's all Dorau! Lyrics about water fleas, telephones or chambermaids, about the North Sea, democracy or bottle deposits correspond perfectly with the music. By the way, Dorau's favorite album is the White Album by The Beatles. Perhaps it would be taking it too far, but if one were to make this CD into a double album and paint the whole thing white, we would have Dorau's "White Album."