The Log and the Leeway


The Log and the Leeway follows a six-year journey of personal exploration and drastic change for Bram Bosteels and his singular Kaboom Karavan universe. What entails is a sound-curiosity of rare format, following a metamorphosis that goes beyond the musical. Early in the process, Bram was struck by the word/concept of a "Leeway": the gradual departure from an intended course due to external influences. Following a boyish fascination for explorers' travel journals, logbooks, and the farfetched corners of the world, he could not have foreseen how fitting of a title he had chosen. Drastically all of a sudden one day, completely unexpectedly, Bram experienced his own father dying in front of him from a rare disease. Shocked and confused by this intense encounter, his perspectives and musical course departed from its original path. But at the same time, it was an enlightenment and a necessary influence for him to realize the initial idea and finish this album, started over half a decade before. The ones familiar with Kaboom Karavan already know that nothing really sounds quite like it. Bram's musical (and non-musical) universe is of the rare breed that seems to be entirely his own. Self-contained, but never opaque. Quite the opposite actually. Bram never pushes us away, instead, by listening to his music we are given view to a synesthetic wunderkammer of images, places, objects, and possibilities. Distant but magnetic, alien but intimately familiar, Kaboom is folk music from another dimension. Listening to The Log and the Leeway is like waking up next to a bonfire in the middle of a swamp wearing somebody else's clothes: you may not know how you got here, but whatever is happening seems to very directly involve you. Note from Erik K Skodvin (Miasmah): "All the sounds, fabrics, instrumentation, and stories that binds The Log and the Leeway together go far beyond what can be touched up in this simple writeup. As someone who have followed this journey since the beginning, and seen it shift from lighthearted fun to the most crepuscular personal experience, heard the stories behind (almost) every field recording and gone through boundless amounts of clips, visual details, notes, and inspirations..." Cover painting by John Lurie. 16-page booklet of illustrations/collagés by Walter Dhoogh and Erik K Skodvin that more or less connects (or confuses) the dots between the music and stories behind. Mastered by Lupo at Loop-O. Edition of 200; includes download code.