Following Berghain mixes from André Galluzzi, Marcel Dettmann, and Len Faki, this is the fourth installment in this series, mixed by Ben Klock. When it comes to Berlin's Berghain and its myth, we all know the deal by now: techno, concrete, and marathon dances. Fact or fiction, Berghain 04 comes in the nick of time. It is impossible to reduce Ben Klock's musical vision and especially his work as a DJ. He seems not to care about classifications, about the limits and differences of techno and house, if something fits into the dubstep formula or if a record is in line with the scheme of an almighty and dominating bass drum. The Berghain resident is just doing what always separated a brilliant DJ from a good one: Klock adopts the music as his own. Literally, Ben Klock's debut mixed CD is a cornucopia of new, unreleased and exclusive pieces. Bass music hero Martyn delivers one of his clunky hybrids, Berlin's best-kept secret Roman Lindau presents breathtaking, chrome-plated dub techno and a new player by the name of ACT surprises and amazes all at the same time. You will hear fantastic novelties by Rolando, New York's very own Levon Vincent, Klockworks artist and Minneapolis genius DVS1 and of course, by Ben Klock himself. On the one hand, there's an astonishing melodic and engaging track called "Compression Session 1" and another called "Elfin Flight." There is an unwound collaboration with Elif Biçer and a perfect lead to the levitating grand finale. Klock turns all these ingredients into one long and harmonic blend. Without any sign of hectic or nervous breaks, but not without thrilling moments, peaks, valleys, or turning points, Berghain 04 primes its listener for the climax of a long night out: the disappearance of space, time and the outside world. Other artists include: 154, Junior Boys, Marcel Dettmann, STL, Jonas Kopp, Mikhail Breen, Kevin Gorman, Tyree, The Echologist, and James Ruskin.