30 Minutes Of


When you decide to get a degree at university, like chief songwriter Emile Cartron-Eldin, music goes on hold. When you don't have enough dollars for that overpriced repressed LP the record store puts it on hold behind the counter. This is: Music To Hold Onto! To cherish and adore, right here right now. After little shining stars of self-released cassette classics showing great promise of solid SF song writing Music On Hold deliver an album with strictly "only the hits" in updated graphics and soundbite studio wizardry... and amen! It's the shinning neon-color video game classic you never played in your youth in the arcades. You only dreamed about it after too many bong hits. You think you've heard these songs before? Ha! You've never heard them better brother. Gary Wilson called, and sung you a melody and the Human League stole the synth lines... then The Spits put lead guitar in slow-motion. HEY! Superior Viaduct just found another lost record by Departmentstore Santas... Hold on. No, they didn't... our trusted Born Bad Records just stumbled upon a collection of stone-cold classics laying behind the wall of VHS's and sent them to be remastered for the best Sunday drive of your life. This is a record for all four seasons in all TV colors and black and white nouvelle vague romance. The punk generation doesn't take shame in playing Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, they know all the cheats. This LP is the first baseball bat you take you a Ferrari parked outside a strip club. This is the flock of seagulls that exploded in the sky in multi-colored fireworks and came raining down into the ears of the youth in these troubled times before cocaine became boring... This isn't your ironic Japanese obi-tape cassette vaporwave sally, Music On Hold is everyone else in the same bathtub giving each other sensual back rubs before slipping into silk dragon kimonos. It is sincere. It's real. It's an all filler-no killer instant classic of a nostalgia you can't even begin to unravel. The project once a solo affair is now a power-trio featuring funky starship troopers Guillaume Mobstaire and beloved cult-hero Mathis (Police Control, Skategang) in the shuttle. And as they blast off into cyberspace they toss this their first greatest hits out of the cockpit and into your hands.