...British Rock 'n' Roll Spins. In the mid-1950s, while the Western World was still immersed in the aftermath of World War II, a new concept was discovered. This concept, stroppy and rebellious, was the teenager. Up until then, you were a child until you became an adult. One minute you were in short pants, the next you were smoking a pipe. Now there was an intermediary stage, during which you could experience the nascent pleasures of adulthood without having to succumb to its more mundane disciplines. These new teenagers needed new idols. They couldn't relate to the polite swing of the dance bands. Some found modern jazz a bit too esoteric, while, to be honest, the heart-throbs of the early '50s mostly looked like they were in their early 50s! Suddenly a wild, new sound from the USA was being broadcast over select airwaves. Singers with exotic names like Jerry Lee, Elvis, Buddy and Gene were strutting their stuff. Hollywood was beginning to embrace this movement, and, over in The UK, jazzmen, dance band members, crooners and hopeful kids were suddenly buying guitars, greasing back their hair and rockin' like there was no tomorrow. Here's a selection of what was happening in the basements and coffee bars of Britain at that most wonderful and innocent of times. We've got lids to be flipped, joints to be rocked and rugs to be cut. So what are you waiting for? Artists include: Jimmy Crawford, Cal Danger, Danny Rivers, Art Baxter & His Rock 'N' Roll Sinners, Tommy Bruce & The Bruisers, Wee Willie Harris, Ricky James, Roy Young, Tony Crombie & The Rockets, Derry Hart & The Hartbeats, Mike Sagar & The Cresters, Danny Hunter & The Giants, Terry Dene, Don Lang & His Frantic Five, Vince Eager, Dean Webb, Clyde Ray, Janice Peters, Sharkey Todd & The Monsters, Jimmy Miller & The Barbecues, Dickie Pride, Duffy Power, Billy Sproud & The Rock 'N' Roll Six, Terry Wayne, and Vince Taylor & The Playboys.