"We are happy to welcome on this 5th release one of the most important Argentinian producers, Franco Cinelli, well known for his recent album on Alphahouse, played by the most important minimal DJs around the the globe. He is finally back on the young Spanish label Esperanza with a couple of tracks, accompanied by a Mikael Stavostrand remix. On the a side we have a funky course track, 'Antenna,' characterized by his typical fat and vibrating bassline, thin and cleverly placed hi-hat patterns and unexpected bubbling delayed bleeps. On b side we have 'Antenna 2' which is remixed with knowledge by the Swedish artist Mikael Stravostrand, bringing it much percussive on start and effective in every kind dancefloor, all that enriched by an exceptional vocal performance by Big Bully that definitely make it a true bomb to detonate in the right moment of the night."