"Shirt Trax are Mark Fell (Sheffield, member of SND of Mille Plateaux) and Jeremy Potter (Brighton). All of their tracks involve the use of the computer as a performance tool. However they didn't wish to use some complex software or system, or spend ages programming structures to generate sound. So lots of what you hear is what can be done on a sampler in real time, or in a sequencer in real time. And although most of the material is edited down, there are no overdubs or pre-programmed structures. This is done in the interest of discovering in the ways technology is used. Like when a designer thinks of an interface, and is planning out a way for you to work. But who wants to do what some synth designer told them? When you watch a child play, suddenly a fork can be talking to a lego horse about something. And it's interesting when someone picks up something and plays around with it like this, because you don't just discover a new way of saying things, you actually invent new things to say. Not so much about the aesthetics of digital glitches or broken systems. And although aware of it, the band is not overly interested in the academic history of what it's doing. The result is a sound like The Human League meet Farmers Manual."